AKG 有線 セミオープン型ヘッドホン スタジオモニター K240S【国内正規品】 ブラック 購入・通販情報

AKG 有線 セミオープン型ヘッドホン スタジオモニター K240S【国内正規品】 ブラック

AKG 有線 セミオープン型ヘッドホン スタジオモニター K240S【国内正規品】 ブラック

最大入力:200mWタイプ:ヘッドバンド, ステレオ/モノラル:ステレオ, 構造:開放型, ノイズキャンセリング:非対応サラウンド:非対応, ワイヤレス:非対応, インターフェース:ミニプラグ周波数帯域(L):15Hz, 周波数帯域(H):25000Hz説明 商品の説明 The K240 Studio is a long-time studio standard. Its advanced Varimotion transducers provide wide range, detail, and much higher sensitivity than comparably priced headphones. The semi-open design delivers rock-solid low end and accurate imaging. The K 240 Studio is the standard for precision listening in the studio. For over twenty years, professional engineers and musicians have made the AKG K 240 studio headphones the best selling and most widely used headphones in large studios, sound stages, and orchestras around the world. Reliable, comfortable and true, the K 240 Studio headphones from AKG lend well to professional and project studios alike.So, how does AKG improve on a standard headphone? How about making it even more versatile! Giving the K 240 Studio a low impedance XXL transducer with patented AKG Varimotion technology, these headphones deliver a more accurate signal transfer and greater dynamic range than previously possible. Most importantly, the AKG K 240 Studio headphones play louder than ever before - on ANY system, including iPods and portable music players!The AKG K 240 Studio's plug-in cable boasts a mini XLR connector, letting you just replace the cable in the event of a disaster rather than purchasing a new set of AKG K 240 Studio headphones. The semi-open design gives you the airiness of an open headphone coupled with the solid bass response you get from closed headphone designs. The result: open balanced natural sound that delivers every time! ご注意(免責)>必ずお読みください NC / NR
Mano Angel 楽天市場店

